AMF Cautions French Investors on Unregulated Trading Platform BITGET

The Financial Markets Authority (AMF) has issued a warning to savers in France regarding investment proposals by the digital asset trading platform BITGET. The AMF emphasized the need for utmost vigilance, highlighting that BITGET is not authorized to provide its services on digital assets within France. As a consequence, the AMF is prepared to take legal action to block the platform's site.AMF Targets Unregistered Digital Asset PlatformsUnder the monetary and financial code, certain activities related to digital assets, including custody services, purchase or sale of digital assets, and operation of digital asset trading platforms, necessitate mandatory registration as a digital asset service provider (PSAN). This registration ensures compliance with regulations aimed at combating money laundering and terrorism financing, as well as verifying the integrity and competency of management and shareholders, thereby safeguarding the interests of investors.BITGET, however, has not obtained the required registration as a PSAN and has been providing digital asset services in France without authorization. Consequently, the platform has been on the AMF blacklist since November 7, 2023, due to non-compliance with French regulations. The AMF, empowered by the monetary and financial code, reserves the right to pursue legal action to block the site of BITGET and other similar platforms operating illegally in France.Tu vas en bas sur le site de l’AMF et tu tapes le nom de bitget et tu vois qu’ils sont sur la liste noire.— Adam Meursault (@Adam_Meursault) March 11, 2024AMF Advises Precautions amidst BITGET Service Disruption ConcernsIn light of these developments, the AMF advises French savers who have invested through BITGET to take necessary precautions to mitigate risks associated with a potential disruption in service provision. Savers are urged to organize their affairs to prevent any potential loss of access to their assets, be they digital assets or derivatives thereof. This article was written by Tareq Sikder at

AMF Cautions French Investors on Unregulated Trading Platform BITGET

The Financial Markets Authority (AMF) has issued a warning to savers in France regarding investment proposals by the digital asset trading platform BITGET. The AMF emphasized the need for utmost vigilance, highlighting that BITGET is not authorized to provide its services on digital assets within France. As a consequence, the AMF is prepared to take legal action to block the platform's site.

AMF Targets Unregistered Digital Asset Platforms

Under the monetary and financial code, certain activities related to digital assets, including custody services, purchase or sale of digital assets, and operation of digital asset trading platforms, necessitate mandatory registration as a digital asset service provider (PSAN). This registration ensures compliance with regulations aimed at combating money laundering and terrorism financing, as well as verifying the integrity and competency of management and shareholders, thereby safeguarding the interests of investors.

BITGET, however, has not obtained the required registration as a PSAN and has been providing digital asset services in France without authorization. Consequently, the platform has been on the AMF blacklist since November 7, 2023, due to non-compliance with French regulations. The AMF, empowered by the monetary and financial code, reserves the right to pursue legal action to block the site of BITGET and other similar platforms operating illegally in France.

AMF Advises Precautions amidst BITGET Service Disruption Concerns

In light of these developments, the AMF advises French savers who have invested through BITGET to take necessary precautions to mitigate risks associated with a potential disruption in service provision. Savers are urged to organize their affairs to prevent any potential loss of access to their assets, be they digital assets or derivatives thereof. This article was written by Tareq Sikder at